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Old 05-12-2018, 03:56 PM
keithsky keithsky is offline
keith janosky
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,468
Default Kudos to REA Auctions One of the best

I have been bidding in REA Auction for a while now but never have won anything. Finally did and want to say what a great gesture it is for them to offer free shipping. Nice to know when bidding on the item your wanting you know what it will be if you win it with the 20% BP and the cost of the item. Not like the other big houses when you win something and get your invoice you never know what they will gouge you for the cost. There all over the place on shipping cost. I have won autographed baseballs that were in the 100-200.00 range from different auction companies and have paid anywhere from 6.00-28.00. Yea there is the cost of shipping supplies which I know guys will say but they come in a ball cube, put in a box with maybe some bubble wrap or syro peanuts and sent off. 20.00 plus? I have called to complain to some and some have lowered but why not be fair to start with. Give your customer base mainly the buyers that support you free shipping once in a while or the loyal customers that have been around a while. Doesn't have to be all the time. If REA can do it the rest can. Also the fast shipping was great to. Guess it's another way to make more money off you. Hint Hint Goldin and Heritage. Just my thoughts
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