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Old 04-30-2018, 07:20 AM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by lowpopper View Post
Hi. I did not expect a discussion to be started so soon but here we are...

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Greg Campbell. I run the eBay store Rookie-Parade and I am the owner of Purple Label, LLC. Our product was tested for the first time at the Shriners card show in Massachusetts this weekend to an overall positive response.

I am readily available to answer any questions. You can reach me on here or use the contact page on the website.

The site is about 99% complete. The database has full functionality as of right now. All stickered cards have a QR code which links the user directly to the website (which is very mobile friendly). Any of our certified cards can be looked up by serial number. You can find a full explanation of the sticker and exactly what it represents right on the home page.

At this time we are not accepting public submissions, but this will change in the near future. We are looking forward to making submissions fully accessible to everyone. As of right now, you will have to meet us in person at trade shows to receive the product.

As for my credentials, it would be unbecoming to boast about myself for representation of the company. If other people wish to list my accolades they are free to do so.

I will say this about our forward vision: we are going “full steam ahead” on this venture. I am looking to run a square and consistent operation only. This product will speak for itself. Get your hands on some Purple Label cards to really see the quality. I am not looking to put out a half-baked, ill-concocted service....the sticker is only for premium quality cards with great eye appeal that look nice for the grade.

As I said before, the website is still awaiting some content so stay tuned. Complete contact, business, and background info will be available very soon. Keep checking back.

I am excited to launch this and I would like to say thank you to everyone who is already supporting the brand.



I wish you the best of luck. If people are silly enough to send stuff to grading companies to begin with why not charge them for a second opinion.
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