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Old 04-25-2018, 06:12 PM
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Bob Andrews
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Houston Tx Area
Posts: 1,375

Cardinal pitcher Ray Washburn told my two younger brothers to 'go to hell' when they called out his name from the Astrodome's pavillion seats at a day game way back when. He had just finished his running along the warning track.
I've never forgotten that.

Back when I was in college I had a Dodger fan friend visiting for a LA-Houston series. I took him to the old Shamrock Hilton hotel where most teams stayed in Houston at the time. Davey Lopes came out of the elevator carrying a garment bag with his name emblazoned in two foot tall script and then proceeded to dress my friend down for approaching him with a baseball.

This won't surprise anyone but I worked a show for a promoter friend and watched Willie Mays sign for two hours seemingly without looking up once. Yes, the stories of him rolling the ball he just signed back to the collector are true.
People are crazy and times are strange, I used to care but things have changed -Dylan
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