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Old 03-28-2018, 07:46 AM
dougscats dougscats is offline
Doug Doremus
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Breezy Point, NY
Posts: 1,399
Default Thanks Leon,

But I just don't see it.

It's true that I often don't see things right under my nose; just ask my wife.
But I just don't see it.

Meanwhile, yesterday, I was vexed to learn that I'd again lost out on a $50 discount!--

I bought a big, for me, card--an 1888 Goodwin Dan Brouthers--for $425 on Sunday night.
I put off paying, hoping for a discount to appear.
I checked the Net54 Homepage and the ebay listing [Thanks, Eric, for pointing that out, tongue in cheek though it may have been. But apparently Ebay does not list all its specials there]. No discounts.
So, finally, Tuesday morning, I had to pay.
Sure enough, when I came home later on and looked at the Homepage,
there was njdunkin's thread announcing a maximum $50 discount.
I left at 9:05 and must have missed it by ten minutes.

I'll be curious to see, when I locate it, if the Net54 link had njdunkin's discount on it.
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