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Old 03-10-2018, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by darwinbulldog View Post
A) If you increase the pool of talent you're drawing from you're necessarily going to make the opponents (Ted Williams or otherwise) fare worse than they otherwise would have.

B) The appropriate comparison should be not to the two greatest pitchers in MLB history but to the below average pitchers of the 1940s who wouldn't have been on the roster to face Teddy if the game had integrated earlier.
Ty Cobb hit .366 vs. Walter Johnson. So, who or these mysterious pitchers who Cobb couldn't have hit against?
If your assumptions were correct, then how do you explain Williams hitting .388 in 1957? The fact is integrating the majors didn't slow Ted down. From 1954-57 Williams hit .359 with an OPS+ of 203.
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