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Old 02-12-2018, 06:28 PM
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Jeffrey Lichtman
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by ngnichols View Post
Here's the problem: None of their service levels are guaranteed turnaround times. N-O-N-E.

Unless you are somewhere where they are doing on-site slabbing, it doesn't matter what service level you pay for or submit under, it's still not 100% guaranteed turnaround time and it's plain as day written on their site. I'd think at some certain level, especially given the increase in price they charge, that you'd get a guaranteed turnaround time. That is a HUGE drawback to me and obviously, they use it to their advantage when they get into spots like this. They play games with when it gets entered into the system after it's been in their possession and also if they can't meet the "estimated" deadline, then they just pull the "it's not a guaranteed turnaround service" and give you the shoulder-shrug and "Sorry" song and dance.
Good luck with that set of bullshit when they get sued. I'm sure a federal judge will be very understanding that they charge for faster service and don't come close to meeting it.
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