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Old 12-29-2017, 09:23 AM
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kvnkvnkvn kvnkvnkvn is offline
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Originally Posted by Leon View Post
A lot of what you said here, I think is total BS.
I was leaving this thread alone, and quite frankly staying away from this museum for the most part...

But since Leon needs a little explanation, and obviously wants to get some mischief going, I guess I'm game. hahahah


The National Anthem shouldn't even be played at sporting events. The U.S. flag represents the death of millions of people at the expense of each of our hands. The anthem itself is about death and destruction.

The US has killed many innocent people. That is a fact. I am also saying the flag is political, and anything political should not be involved with sporting events...

Blind patriotism is conditioned through television screens all over this country.

This is absolutely fact. Look how much money the military spends on advertisements and special events at these games.

If you still think wars are fought for freedom, think again...Oil, resources, drugs, power, and money. Those are the primary factors for war.

I guess this could be debated, but come on. When corporations end up on both sides of a war, something is fishy...

Do you think it is a coincidence that we are stuck in Afghanistan? Look how much opium is over there, now look at the opium epidemic throughout our country.

Opinion right now, but don't be surprised in 20 years when this turns out to be true....

Look back on how the U.S. trained Bin Laden, now look how many times these radical groups have somehow got U.S. weapons. That seems to be a cycle...

This is an absolute fact. We definitely trained Bin Laden.

We give a shitload of money to Israel and do you know what is really going on over there? Palestinian people aren't being treated very nicely. Look into how much natural gas is over in that region. Hmmm...

This is a sticky situation here. I would refer to Abby Martins reporting on this situation. Some really good insight from her. I just don't like the amount of money we provide to Israel every year. Plus, it is a fact that there is tons on natural gas over there...

You guys can think what you want. But, if the only source of your information is coming from mainstream media outlets, including the web, newspapers and television, you are being misinformed immensely. The mainstream media cannot be trusted. That is a fact.

Last edited by kvnkvnkvn; 12-29-2017 at 09:24 AM.
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