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Old 12-25-2017, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by quinnsryche View Post
Yeah! It's new so it's crap!! Only old stuff is cool! Some of you guys sound as ridiculous as the cards you are bashing. I guess my son is a moronic idiot because he likes new cards and not old ones. Anybody want to say that? Smart move, didn't think so. How about like what you like and don't worry about what others collect? How does someone collecting new stuff have any effect on vintage collectors? Just because a 12 year old kid (or a 55 year old man for that matter) doesn't know who Rube Marquard is, doesn't make him stupid. Maybe a shiny card of an older player sparks an interest in finding out about the history of baseball where a T206 holds no interest or value to him (they are small and many are down right ugly).
Food for thought, back to slamming new cards.
PS - by the way, ALL cards were new at some point.
My objection is not that the cards are new. A Trout RC, a Judge RC, etc. is fine. The problem is their turning to gimics to sell cards. Then doing Jersey cards and using fake jerseys (Thorpe). Doing bat cards and using fake bats (Gibson). Doing cut autograph cards with fake cuts (1st 5 hofers). Getting players autographs and not witnessing them and ending up with fakes (Shaq). Now they aren't satisfied with rookie cards and they now put a logo on cards to make "fake rookie cards" years after their real rookie cards. Now they only want to sell to breakers and not hobby stores/dealers. They want their cards to be a form of legalized gambling and not a hobby. So the problem isn't with the cards and when they were made, but the card companies and their business practices.
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