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Old 12-24-2017, 04:59 AM
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Il Padrino Il Padrino is offline
Daniel Elsass
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 147

Originally Posted by kvnkvnkvn View Post
Figgity fuk, fuk and triple fuk the NFL...Shit is a straight up soap opera and they got dudes roped in like a mo fo...

Criminals hailed as gods, over sexaulized females advertised directly to our eyeballs, poisons peddled directly to our youth in 30 second increments, blatant blind patriotism conditioning the weak through every screen, stadiums burden cities, fans fight and kill each other, same shit, different year, different name.

And quite frankly I don't need to watch stage show monkeys do 3 pirouettes, 2 booty shakes and an arm extension every time they get a first down...

NFL is beneath me. 6ish games in 3 years, none this year and just committed to not watching the Super Bowl today...That's the biggest farce of it all...
Is it too much for me to declare that I believe we are long lost brothers?

Screw the NFL and screw the NBA while we're at it. Not long ago the NFL and NBA had me in their tight grasp and I felt as if I could not miss one single minute of my team playing and that includes the fact that I am 6-hours ahead of EST so an 8 PM game comes on at 2 AM here... no longer. When that POS KrapErnick took a knee and so many followed suit in both leagues via various disgusting displays against what it fully means (to me) to be an American = I said to hell with them all. I haven't watched a single game from either league this year and have zero intention of ever doing so again plus I try very hard to not even buy products from companies that support either league; I simply do not care to support a league full of overpaid babies that use their uniform to make a stand. Frankly I don't give two-shits what they do outside of work but do NOT bring that crap my way when I am trying to relax and watch a professional sporting event.

Some say "oh, they are just applying their 1st Amendment rights... blah blah blah" but the fact remains that this would of course be OK if they were OFF THE CLOCK. As Kaepernick made his statement by what he did not do; stand for The National Anthem. He failed to realize that the only thing that was his was he himself and the talent that he possessed at that time. Not the cleats on his feet, not the helmet at his side, not a single thread of uniform apparel shy perhaps his jock supporter and socks… not one thing. When traveling for the team he boards team chartered airplanes and buses, he stays in hotels paid for by his team, and so on and when they are on their home field he parks his expensive car in team protective parking, uses their showers, puts on their uniform, and in all senses represents completely and fully the team not thyself. He therefore loses the right to represent any one single aspect of what his own self represents on the outside of all of this while on team property or within the constraints of traveling for said team because he does not represent self; he represents the team. Of course he is free, in accordance with his 1st Amendment rights, to do whatever the hell he wants when not associated with the team or the NFL. Conversely the team(s), the NFL, and the fans, have every right to not approve of him as a person or of his actions and can decide if the individual is worthy of donning team apparel and they owe no one an answer as to why they feel he is not. This applies from a fan perspective where I do not have to support their acts and simply refuse to.

Our military, police, fire, and countless other entities of professional standards are held to very tight rules about protesting. Put on a uniform and you might as well forget it or risk your career and quite possibly legal responses to the individual using their professional standing to advance their personal causes.

Some say that these guys are just “entertainers” and I’d tend to agree BUT they also put on that uniform and agree that they are part of a team, an organization, and a league that is bigger than just the single entity. Musicians are free to declare their personal message and are not in any way similar to athletes because of the affiliation to higher entities that is unless they oppose their higher management or the President during the wrong timeframe – just ask the Dixie Chicks band when their entire career tanked because of their comments. So a time and a place even for those without restrictions…

People go to athletic events to see the spectacle and to not have to debate “what the hell is the issue with that person” or similar. Just play the game, collect your multi-million dollar salaries, and protest on your own time and while not in uniform.
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