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Old 12-12-2017, 03:19 PM
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mouschi mouschi is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
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I cannot believe this only happened a couple months ago, but here goes ... I'll *TRY* to make this short & sweet

Years ago, a friend showed me this card:

This is a 1998 Pinnacle Certified Red prototype. He recently told me that he believed this to be a one of a kind, and I believed him, because I've NEVER seen another.

Then this popped up on ebay:

A MIRROR RED version!!!!

No matter what it was going to take, I was going to make it mine. Then I saw this ...

I researched the seller and found out he was in Dallas. I had a very hard time getting a hold of him, and then I remembered I knew a dealer guy in Dallas. On a whim ... after about 2 years or so not talking to him, I texted him. He knew the seller! He got me in touch with him, but nothing panned out

The very next day, I received a message from the guy I knew. "Tanner, why didn't you say you were looking for that card? I think I have it!"

Uhmmm ... yeah right. A unicorn that didn't exist for 20 years until last week? No way, but thanks.

After a few days, we spoke on the phone and he said he would get me a pic.

HE HAD IT!!!!!!


These cards have never been seen before ... nor did anyone know they existed, so I was able to add the entire run to my collection.

It was the most bizarre deal ever with plenty of twists and turns, for a complete rainbow of the most beautiful of rainbows. Definitely a holy grail find for me!

Happy does not even begin to describe what I felt/feel

I ended up writing a story on it here: as well as for Sports Collectors Daily. Shortly thereafter, Ryan Cracknell of Beckett Magazine wrote an article for Beckett on them as well.
Tanner Jones - Author, Confessions of a Baseball Card Addict - Available on Amazon
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