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Old 12-09-2017, 03:51 AM
Marchillo Marchillo is offline
St3phen M@rchillo
Join Date: May 2017
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Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth View Post
He hit .241. His OBP was an abysmal .286. His slugging percentage was a lousy .386. His WAR was negative. He got 100 RBI because there were an abundance of men on base. Any decent hitter in his spot would have done the same.
When I brought up his rbi numbers I looked at the totality of his Angels numbers not just last year. I agree those numbers last year were not very good. But despite the terrible numbers he drove in 100. And you say any decent hitter would do the same and I'm in agreement. My point is that he's not been as bad as people here claim. The Angels signed him to an insane long term contract in an era where guys were producing at high levels well into their late 30's and even early 40's. In reality most guys start regressing at his age when peds are not involved. So while I'll agree he hasn't lived up to his contract he's still been a productive player. The next couple seasons could be rough for him though.

And I'll still stick with 100 rbis being a good accomplishment no matter what else is happening in a season.

Also at least in 2017 his obp was a much better .323 with RISP. If he maintained his season OBP in those situations then he doesn't drive in 100. So yes he is in a better position than most to drive in those runs but at least his production rose to the occasion in those situations. As a Red Sox fan I don't want to hear how bad Pujols was after watching them sign Carl Crawford and Pablo Sandoval. Now those were abysmal contracts!!!

Last edited by Marchillo; 12-09-2017 at 04:04 AM.
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