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Old 12-04-2017, 08:42 PM
Sean1125 Sean1125 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 3,567

To all participating and previous participants of the Net54 Secret Santa Holiday Exchange,

All active participants in post 2 are being sent an email with their secret Santa's information. This task will be accomplished in the next 60 minutes.

If you have not received that email by tomorrow morning, check your spam folder, if you are still unable to locate please email me.

It's been fun the last six years doing the exchange, we've seen some pretty incredible generosity and a few lumps of coal along the way. Even when a gift was skipped out or there was a small issue, the members of Net54 stepped up to assist and it was inspiring and reassuring to watch as the facilitating bystander.

Due to current commitments in life and of my time I am going to have to step down from assisting in the record keeping and maintenance of the secret Santa exchange for the next year. If anyone would like to step up I will be more than delighted to show you how I do the record keeping in excel and how I match everyone to their best match.

Happy holidays everyone. May peace and blessings be with your family.

Warmest regards,

Sean Bassik

Last edited by Sean1125; 12-04-2017 at 08:43 PM.
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