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Old 12-01-2017, 12:07 PM
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orly57 orly57 is offline
Orlando Rodriguez
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Miami
Posts: 979


I don't think it's really as complicated as you are making it. There is a reason guys send their stuff to PWCC rather than just auctioning it off themselves. Convenience is certainly part of it, but it's all about how many eyes are looking. It is the cornerstone of advertising. You are stuck on just the guy who is looking for a psa 6 cj Grover Alexander, but aren't taking into account the guy who may not be looking for that specifically, but spots it while glancing through PWCC's items. So while your auction will ONLY draw in the few guys who happened to search for a cj Grover Alexander that week, PWCC is being viewed by hundreds of collectors who may throw their hat in the ring. It's no different when you compare the prices that smaller AH's bring in versus REA or Heritage.
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