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Old 11-27-2017, 01:36 PM
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Scott Garner Scott Garner is offline
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Originally Posted by megalimey View Post
Is this from the 1900s signature of the president is not Clark C. Griffith
so this predates it before 1920
ticket has
and a team President signature I cannot quite make out ??
the back has a name of HOLMES BAKERY that was in business from 1800'S TO MID 1920'S SEE PICTURE
just wondering if any one can identify era or year of this Washington Senators ticket , it Has large # 2 so that should mean home Game 2 with hand written Boston 8 Was 2 ,
I know who the team presidents for the Washington Senators were
1901-1903 Frederick Postal
1904-1904 Thomas J. Loftus
1904-1904 Harry B. Lambert
1905-1912 Thomas C. Noyes
1920-1955 Clark C. Griffith
1956-1960 Calvin R. Griffith
the signature does not seem to be any of these ??
hopefully one of you guys can give some insight

Hi David,
I hope you are well.
FYI, The team president is Benjamin Minor, so this ticket can be absolutely be identified as being from the years 1913-1919 and was played at National Park.
Although RUKen is certainly correct that in 1913 the Nats lost to Boston on 4/22 with a score of 8-3, there are 2 other date possibilities from the 1913-1919 era:

6/21/15 Game 1 (Babe Ruth gets a win in this game) Nats lose 8-3
6/4/19 Nats lose 8-3

The other outlying clue is the fact that you have the sponsor on the back of the ticket.
There were no sponsors on the back of all of the Nats tickets that I have from Walter Johnson wins in the 1920's.
Perhaps someone that recognizes the sponsor might be able to further narrow down the search. I cannot, unfortunately...

I hope this helps.

Last edited by Scott Garner; 11-27-2017 at 01:53 PM.
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