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Old 11-26-2017, 03:52 PM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 7,985
Default Set in concrete

I'm back after the Thanksgiving family hiatus. Thanks for the various inputs on the scarcities. I have decided to make the following changes (and kept a couple of cards as is after suggesting a possible change):

Joe Jackson - From 25 down to 20

Ty Cobb - From 7 down to new point category 5 (Very popular, very available, he made me create the 5 point category)

The following cards jump up from 4 to join Cobb in the 5 point category:

Fred Clarke (Pittsburgh)
Willie Keeler (red background)
Jake Stahl
Bill Sweeney (Boston)
Ed Walsh

And I chose one card to be elevated from the 1 point status to 3 points:

Harry Howell (wind up)

I decided to keep the Stone (left hand) based upon suggestion, and decided to keep Plank at 4 (although readily available, it is still fairly popular as an alternative to his T206 card).

So the set total remains at 250, a nice number to target for. I was tempted to add all of the suggested 1 to 3 point changes Cody mentioned, but that shiny 250 number beckoned.

I changed all of the above on the first post, now if people who have already submitted their Kraken E-Monster #'s would please check it over and indicate if there is any change to their # we can keep this thing rolling. Thanks again, Brian
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