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Old 11-16-2017, 06:33 AM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by Jantz View Post
Long story short, recently I won an auction on Ebay and the bid was pushed to my max bid. This struck me as odd since my winning bid was exactly the amount I was willing to pay, right down to the exact cent.

This lead me to do a little research and I've found that the underbidder has pushed numerous auctions for the same seller repeatedly over the last few months.

Next I decided to take a look at the underbidder's history. Here is what showed up.

Total Bids: 833
Items Bid On: 195
Bid Percentage with this Seller: 89%

All of this was with the same seller. He bids on only this seller's items and bids sometimes multiple times on the same auction and always bids within the last hour of every auction bumping bids up from $1 to $10 at a time, then stops never actually winning an auction.

Its quite obvious (to me) what is going on here.

Now I haven't paid yet for the auction I've won, but was curious....

What would you do if you were in my shoes?

Just a guess but the seller either has another account or has a friend shilling their auctions. Because of eBays bidding system it is not real hard to push someone to their max bid. Also bid retractions are meaningless most of the time. Shill bidding has evolved past that a long time ago for most that do it.

As far as what to do that is a personal choice. You did win the item for the price you would pay. On the other hand if you think something shady is going on do you really want to enable them even more?

EDIT: I forgot to add what I would do. At this time I am just a collector so the seller would be added to my list of sellers I would not buy from again. It is just a hobby for me and I do not need to enable the scum. Now if I was still selling cards to support myself I would pay for the card if I thought I could make $ on it. Making a buck seems to cloud peoples judgement pretty easily.

Last edited by bnorth; 11-16-2017 at 06:52 AM.
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