Thread: Steve Garvey
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Old 11-14-2017, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by bravos4evr View Post
this is absolute nonsense.
the "eye test" HAS BEEN PROVEN to be garbage. confirmation bias (as exhibited by you) recency bias..etc skew reality for people.

Not to mention that a formula applied to everyone will result in an applicable ratio of production even if not an accurate one. so even if WAR didn't nail player's exact win value, it DOES give an accurate measure of production relative to each other.
I would like to see that proof. Perhaps you can give me a link to that PhD dissertation that disproves thousands of years of scientific thought. I am sure the whole Statistics community would be interested, it would be revolutionary. I won't however accept a link to some BS on a website that anyone can post on the internet. It must be from someone with actual credentials and be confirmed by other experts in the field of statistics.

Your second statement is 100% false. If there are errors in the formula, which there obviously are (Do you really believe Johnny Bench and Lou Whitaker were equivalent players?), it is going to going to produce inaccurate results. In science we say garbage in garbage out. As some have commented before, it is the best we have, so I try to use it when I can. In the end it is one person's opinion (fangraphs disagrees with bb reference). In areas where my opinion differs based on 50 years of playing and studying the game and a Master's Degree in Statistics, I am going to trust my professors, not somebody I don't know with unknown credentials.
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