Thread: Cheer up, men
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Old 11-13-2017, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by baztacula View Post
It's like I dropped into some alternate reality here. Whose "pot" gets "stirred" by mentioning Julia Ruth Stevens?? And if that name is a trigger to some people, how would I even know that ahead of time? The responses in this thread are verging on the ludicrous. I've been called a "douche bag", "mentally ill" and "stupid"! Then Leon admonishes ME for being in the wrong!

One question: Is the mentioning of "Julia Ruth Stevens" in real life the equivalent to uttering the words "Niagara Falls" in a 1940s comedy sketch??

The over-the-top reaction to this thread is truly amusing. I also love the mob mentality that has taken over all rational thought. My post was 100% comedic commentary, not to be taken seriously. It's obvious.

You wanna know the truth? The only people who respond to posts on this site now are the angry, hateful people. Many of the nice people have left. The friendly ones who remain send private messages, thanking me for the laughs and tell me to ignore the vitriol. The good guys are simply afraid to post here because they don't want to incur the inevitable wrath.

Just to be clear, I think Mrs. Stevens is a wonderful lady. She just isn't great at throwing a baseball. And I would feel safer in a room with her over Kevin Spacey or George H. W. Bush.

Move this thread to another section if it is that controversial, Leon. Do you have a "Safe Space" section on this site? Wow!
I was going to respond with something but in retrospect my last post petty much summed it up. And thanks for letting us know who posts anymore, we were sort of wondering? Please continue

Leon Luckey
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