Thread: AH Catalogs
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Old 11-09-2017, 08:45 AM
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Aaron Seefeldt Aaron Seefeldt is offline
Aaron Seefeldt
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Suburb of Chicago
Posts: 346
Default catalogs

Before the internet, I used to read every page of every catalog I'd get. REA catalogs in particular were a great way to learn, research, take notes in, etc. Catalogs used to be my bedside reading...

Then came the internet and I still get bombarded with catalogs that I rarely, if ever, even open! I might open it if I've consigned a bunch of stuff, otherwise it's straight to the blue recycle can out back.

That being said, it is on me, and all of us who don't read them anymore, to make AH's aware so they perhaps will produce less.
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