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Old 11-08-2017, 07:21 AM
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SAllen2556 SAllen2556 is offline
Scott All.en
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Detroit
Posts: 614

Wow. Thanks for posting that. What I find completely outrageous is how eBay is absolutely complicit in these crimes yet, not only are they not penalized, they end up making millions while their partners go to jail. Did no one ever send a note to eBay reporting any of these items as fake? And if so, how does law enforcement not indict them?? Remove eBay from the equation and it's doubtful these guys could have made enough money to fill their gas tanks.

Just skimming the RICO law at wikipedia shows forgery as one of the crimes that someone can be convicted of if they are found to have simply assisted in the crime. If it can be shown that eBay was made aware of these forgeries, how are they able to escape criminal charges? How are they not required to return every dime they made as a result of these crimes?

The thing is, we all know these crimes are not going to stop just because a few people a year get caught. It's just way too easy, and way too profitable to ever believe the end is near. The only ending I see is the collapse of the autograph market as people learn how legion these forgeries are and just stop collecting them.
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