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Old 10-26-2017, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by ls7plus View Post
Well, it appears that you are not at all inclined to use it. The SABR and analytical movements are growing in strength and provide mathematical evidence with an ever-growing degree of certainty as to the relative ranking of players over various eras. Employing derogatory terms like "garbage" to such truly invaluable evidentiary matters brings to mind the old adage: "play the fool and people will certainly treat you as one." More and more books are being written based on SABR findings and analytical assessments, and that trend will with virtual certainty continue. Baseball card collectors read these books too. Only an ostrich lives its life by perpetually sticking its head in the ground.

Best of luck in your collecting,

The only "mathematical" evidence has been provided by Nate Silver discrediting much of this line of thinking. I have read a lot of this, including Bill James, but I have an education and a mind to think for myself. Some is sound, much is not. I am not going to just believe something because it is posted on the internet. Sadly many do.

As far as the 52T Mantle, it is what it is because of what I posted, things that preceded James and others. Nothing they say is going to change that.
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