Thread: Just wondering
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Old 09-29-2017, 07:57 PM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by ruth-gehrig View Post
I've seen it done several times where a buy it now doesn't sell for listed price so the relist price actually goes higher
It didn't sell for $279 OBO so it makes sense to up it to $299 OBO??
Seen this several times. Have a funny story. I have horded several rare error cards for a very long time, it is a sickness.

There was a seller who used to list some very rare stuff, cards that it would be the only one on eBay. In their listing they would put "if this card does not sell at this price I will raise the price when I relist it". As a hoarder I would have at least a few of them so when they relisted their card at the higher price I would list one at a lower price just to be a jerk.
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