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Old 09-29-2017, 02:05 PM
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Scott Garner Scott Garner is offline
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Originally Posted by conor912 View Post
The "Quickest flip" thread got me wondering how to order the importance of stubs. I know full tickets generally carry a premium over stubs, all else equal, but as far as the event that happened at the game, how would you order their importance/value? That thread is about a final career HR, which I would guess would be less desirable than first, if for no other reason than the first is usually 15+ years older and harder to find, but I could he wrong. Is a first game more valuable than a 500th HR? Is a first appearance better than a 300th win? I know there's tons of variables, but in broad strokes, I'd love to know how you guys rank them.
Echoing what others have previously posted, the 1st of anything would be the most valuable, not the later milestone.
Additionally, vintage tickets will always be way more valuable that their modern day counterparts just due to scarcity.
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