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Old 09-11-2017, 01:40 PM
quitcrab quitcrab is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 1,535

Teaching school on Long island. Knew it was bad when the principal called all students to main office if their parents worked in the towers. You could see the smoke coming from Manhattan on the second floor of the school which is probably 30 miles away. When school let out I went to pick up my daughter at a day care. My town fire department was out in full force and heading into Manhattan to help out.
3 families in my neighborhood lost a love one that day and one of my students lost his Dad.
When I took my shower before work this morning I was thinking of all who perished that just never know when the end will come... I am sure no one thought the morning of 9/11 that this is my last shower and I won't be coming home tonight. Don't forget your tell the people in your life that you love them.pick up the phone and make a call to mom,dad,or that brother or sister your fighting with.
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