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Old 09-07-2017, 01:03 PM
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Jobu Jobu is offline
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: WI
Posts: 3,751

Stay safe!

I lived in New Orleans during Katrina and left the morning the storm hit and never once regretted that decision. We stayed for tropical storms and a Cat 1 and even being without power and access to stores for days on end is miserable even when there is no major damage.

Charge up all of your stuff now and turn off the wifi on your phone as soon as the power goes out as that kills the battery, I also suggest turning phones off when you aren't using them once the power goes out.

I don't know the elevation of your house and whether or not you have an attic/crawlspace, but make sure that you have an ax on the topmost level of your house just in case as it will be hard to get onto the roof without one.

Get your best cards in ziploc bags or something!!!

Good luck and stay safe.

Last edited by Jobu; 09-07-2017 at 01:51 PM.
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