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Old 08-30-2017, 01:05 PM
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David Kathman
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Chicago, IL
Posts: 1,564

Originally Posted by topcat61 View Post
This is good stuff! Thanks for sharing, there's nothing like getting a face with the name and learning how these men shaped our hobby. There are a few others I added to my list and there may be a few more that I've forgotten:

Wirt Gammon
Edward Golden
Howard "Slim" Leheup
Sam Rosen
Jake Wise

Wirt Gammon's picture sometimes appeared above his column in The Ballcard Collector in the early '70s, if there was room. The only one I can find online from work is this one, but I can look at the originals when I get home tonight and see if I can find another one. I've posted a lot of Gammon's writings going back to 1945, but most of them don't have his picture. I've been meaning to do a post about him at some point.

I don't know that I have pictures of any of the others, but in this thread I posted Lionel Carter's obituaries of Howard Leheup and Jake Wise, plus an article by Jake Wise from The Ballcard Collector:

And my post on card dealers of the 1950s had some stuff on Sam Rosen, including some of his price lists:

I'll see if I can dig up pictures of any of these guys when I get home and have a few minutes.
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