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Old 08-05-2017, 11:47 AM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,332
Default Let's be honest with yourself, Taylor

Let's be honest with yourself, Taylor.

You want this dream card, with a said POP of less than 20. Fair enough.

You are currently working on a set you presumably want badly enough to build it card by card. You've made good progress.

OK, on one side of your imagination, place the set you're working on, in its completed state. The entire set. A set you have worked hard to complete, and there it is, in the condition you are striving to maintain.

On the other side, place the dream card, whatever it may be.

The tough question you must ask yourself, if you could only have one of them, which one would that be? Why? Really, think it through and hard, man, why do you want the one you chose? Are you going to easily change your mind?

Now, you've indicated the dream card might be "a chance of a lifetime". Could be. Could be.

Then again, completing this set might be in its own way a chance of a lifetime.

Lots of factors must be weighed in. Actual chances of returning to the set and getting it done. Seeing something else that causes your heart to flutter. The low pop of the dream card might change, but I doubt it, since I will assume it's a pre-war card.

I can sort-of relate to your dilemma. I was not working on a set, but the opportunity came about for me to land a dream card. I did not have the funds, but the owner said he would hold the card for me if I could come up with the dough in 2 months. At this time, spring of 1989, you could place an ad in SCD, and IF you had the right kind of stuff, you could sell a lot of it. Placed the ad, had a ton of orders, with a lot of repeat business from a happy customer involving cards not in my ad, and by the grace of God, I made it. I bought the dream card. I turned many cards into one single card. Have I missed those I let go?

Not for one second.

I still own the dream card.

Follow your heart.

Doesn't matter what Joe Blow from Kokomo thinks between the two.

Wishing you the best, mate. Take care. ----Brian Powell
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