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Old 08-03-2017, 03:07 PM
tazdmb tazdmb is offline
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Originally Posted by Scocs View Post

If the HOF could ultimately induct Ron Santo .
That committee had a former Cubs Beat Writer, Cubs Manager and Cubs HOF Player on it to push his campaign-plus no Joe Morgan

Seriously, if these committees can't get Marvin Miller in, who has had countless supporters on the committee, I don't know how they are going to get a long deceased Negro League player in with the current format. Honestly, if I had to bet on one person getting in, it would be Buck O'neil-since the 2006 committee had an entirely different makeup than the committees today (2006 were all Historians) plus he served on all the older veterans committees until their disbandment in 2001. I bet his name never came up since he was on the committee. IE-He never got a realm chance under the current makeup which was similar to now, where as all other Negro Leaguers did. Plus he also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and other countless awards and recognition that 2020 members were alive to see. Just my 2 cents.
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Last edited by tazdmb; 08-03-2017 at 03:07 PM.
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