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Old 08-02-2017, 11:19 AM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
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Originally Posted by steve B View Post
It's not that I refuse to go, I would actually like to go!

I just haven't. Either I haven't had the ability to take the time off, or couldn't afford to go AND buy stuff. And really, what's the point of going to that sort of show and not buying anything.

I haven't been to many big shows for my other hobbies either, although I did go to a big bicycle collecting event (and big for them will fit in a high school gym) And the international stamp show in DC back in 2006. I only got to that by having family in the area so I wouldn't have the cost of a hotel. Other than that, stuff on the level of the Wilmington show is about as big a thing as I've gone to.

Steve B
Steve, I'm sorry. We have a lot in common. My work precludes me from taking much time off. When I went to the big Willow Grove show in the fall of 1988, I was only able to go because my family and I were visiting friends in Indiana. I never could have done that, living as we were in South Dakota. Within one night, I spent all the money I had brought. I went the following day, looking around, seeing all kinds of cards and items I would want to buy. Speaking to a dealer about an item I wanted from him, when he ascertained I was broke, aside from the funds I needed to get back to Indiana, he quietly asked me, "WHAT are you doing here?" He wasn't trying to humiliate me, or shame me, but I soon walked out of the show.

Going to the National today, I would not have had enough to do any serious buying, and why go if the stuff you really enjoy is way out of your range? I guess at my age, I am accepting this fact of life. Perhaps I would enjoy browsing and admiring.


Anyway, I sincerely apologize to you for my chiding, though I hope you know my tone was "Ah, come on, buddy, you can do this...." There really can be long periods when, "No buddy, I cannot do this."

At least we both have a collection we can still enjoy and admire.

Have a peaceful day, mate. ----Brian Powell
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