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Old 08-01-2017, 10:47 AM
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Robert Williams
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 9,082

I'm gonna post it here, so EVERYONE can see it....

Include the cards in a CS I - along with a slip of paper stating what they are, the value you place on them, along with return shipping and your net54 handle (so I can PM you).

The cost will be $7 + $1 per card for shipping to and from California.

Send to:
Robert Williams
PO Box 61362
Raleigh, NC 27661-1362

Include a personal check, or if you rather paypal F/F upon arrival that is cool too. That's pretty much it. They will go out around the 3rd week in August. Under the bulk special, ALL cards are included. There is no year cut-off. They must be standard size (Topps) or smaller (T206s). No big cards, tall boys, Mutoscopes, etc. There is a $100 value limit per card.

Some members here got on the vintage special I ran last month that popped in about 6 days. That IS NOT the norm!! (The special is for 45 business days - sometimes they pop faster). Also, they have not ran a modern special in about 4 months. I'm just tired of waiting, and I feel a little guilty, because I am holding onto members cards from the past in hopes of a modern special that has not materialized. I feel guilty holding other people's cards, so I just want to get the ball rolling on SOMETHING.

Last edited by bobbyw8469; 08-01-2017 at 10:55 AM.
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