Thread: Post national
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Old 08-01-2017, 10:46 AM
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Originally Posted by the-illini View Post
So you want dealers to pay market, set up at a card show, and sell at market?

That's a good business model.
If dealers are paying market, then they aren't dealers they are collectors. Retail stores don't buy their stock from Wal-Mart and expect to sell it in their store. If they want to be a dealer, they need to develop wholesale markets. Otherwise, be prepared to operate on really thin margins.

If they sell on EBay, they are losing 13%. With an AH, around 20%. How much more do they need to cover expenses? I go to the National expecting to pay more, but not 20 or 30 percent. Supporting dealers only goes so far. I am buying higher dollar cards, so I am not interested in covering all their expenses to buy a card or two from them. If we are talking four figures, I will just wait for it to come up for auction.
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