Thread: Post national
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Old 08-01-2017, 07:33 AM
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C.hris Bl.and
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Posts: 854

Kyle, this is very well said.

I have been a collector for 30 years, but the past two years I have set up as a dealer.

First of all, it is very expensive as you noted to set up at a national. Between the table cost and hotel rooms, the cost is approximately 2500 dollars to even have a spot. Also, 95% of dealers have a full-time job so they are taking the better part of a week off of work to set up. That is a choice we all make but there is an opportunity cost associated with being there as well - it ain't sipping cocktails on a beach.

Secondly, a lot of collectors coming to tables have very unrealistic expectations about what a card should sell for. For example, I had a card priced at $430 at my table. I had $350 in the card. A gentleman asked me what my best price on the card was - I told him $395. He looks at the card for another 5 minutes and asks me "Could you do $200?" People need to be fair on the buying side as well.

On the other side of that coin, a lot of dealers are just bad at their job, and it turns off customers. Having been a customer at Nationals for years, I know how irritating it is to go to a table and feel like you are bothering the dealer by even being there. My main goal as a dealer is to avoid that feeling for a customer. I ALWAYS try to welcome people, engage them, and help them with any questions they have about my items. If they leave without buying, I always still thank them for their time.

Also, it doesn't hurt to explain why your prices are high. For example, I had a fellow board member buy two cards from me on Friday. He quoted me a (very fair) initial offer for the cards. I countered and explained why I was asking so much on one of the cards (it was from my collection and the price was firm if I was going to sell it). He and I had a nice discussion about the card and he ended up buying it from me. Communication can go a long way.

Finally though, dealers are at the show to make some money. The dealers who are rude and price items at 3-4x market make it unpleasant for all of us, but I think people also need to understand the investment they make in committing to set up at a show. I know the last two years have been very eye-opening for me in that regard.

Originally Posted by KMayUSA6060 View Post
I don't understand why so many people bitch about prices at National.

#1 The reason there is a National is because dealers pay for booths to display their cards. They have to cover that cost somehow.

#2 If your target is high-end/in-demand cards, and you've been to National previously and have seen the high prices on such cards, why are you expecting anything different this year, or the next time you go?

#3 High-end, in-demand cards command an in-person premium because you can physically see, touch, and examine the card in person before purchasing. You can also take it home with you that day if you so choose to purchase it. They're also priced the way they are because someone will probably purchase it either at that price or negotiate to slightly lower.

#4 Enjoy what National is - a gathering of fellow collectors enjoying a hobby we all love.

Admittedly, I did not go this year, but I will be going next year when it's in my backyard in Cleveland. I did go last year, and was disappointed in the selection provided by dealers, but I still enjoy walking around and seeing all of the cool things and talking with the dealers. That's what it is supposed to be about.
Looking for:

Type 1 photos of baseball HOFers
N172 Old Judge Portraits

Will buy or trade for the above. Check out my cards at:
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