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Old 07-31-2017, 06:23 PM
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Scott Ti3k
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Missouri
Posts: 713

Yankees loaded up and are making a run. They beefed up the rotation and still have plenty of good young talent on the major league team and in the minors.

Not a Yankee fan but I would say they have done the most to improve their team since the All-Star break.

Dodgers look strong as long as Kershaw can get healthy for the playoffs. Adding Darvish gives them a solid #2 behind Kershaw and they added to their bullpen. Could be tough to beat. Rumor has it Darvish will re-sign with the Rangers in the off season.. Kind of similar to what happened last year w/ Chapman & the Yankees.

The Nationals over hauled their bullpen which they needed to do, but they still don't have anyone that scares me, that shut down type guy. Is their bullpen better than it was before the all star break? Yes, but I still don't know if it's good enough.

Diamondbacks made their big move early and so far J.D. Matinez is looking like a great fit for them.

Rockies add Lucroy who has been miserable this year but maybe his bat wakes up at Coors.

Mets get A.J. Ramos and ship Addison Reed to the Red Sox (Fantasy team lost a closer out of this, I fear a trend is starting)

Cubs get a nice piece Justin Wilson (and I lost another closer on my fantasy team..damn you Cubs.) and depth at catcher w/ Alex Avilla. Maybe now they have a back up catcher who won't cry about pitchers not holding runners..

Royals look they are going to give it one last run before they go into rebuild mode. Adding Cahill & Mauer were nice moves and Melky isn't a bad player either. Good luck Royals, bring another World Series title back to Missouri!

Astros get Liriano from the Jays and from what I understand they are going to put him in the bullpen. Interesting.

Kind of shocked the Indians didn't do much.

My Cardinals? Did nothing but I am fine with that if they didn't get any offers for Lynn, OH & others that felt were worth it. I am just glad we didn't give up any of the kids for a rental or even a key player that could help. There are just to many problems with this team & I feel like it's going to be a few years before they are a playoff contender again.

So how do you all feel about moves your team did or didn't make?
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