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Old 07-26-2017, 08:45 PM
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Fballguy Fballguy is offline
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Originally Posted by Lordstan View Post
Thanks for the compliment, but honestly, I did not write it to change your mind. I wrote it for all those members who might be new or inexperienced with autos and are reading it. I want them to know that your assessment that people's opinions on autos are arbitrary and dubious is, in fact, incorrect.
We agree that using common sense like Steve suggested is worthwhile. You also seem to think that the "gut feeling" is more important than the study of letter formations, the study of the evolution of a specific player's autographs, and player habits. It is not. It is all important to consider when evaluating an auto. You focusing on the gut feeling alone shows your inexperience.
IMO, ignoring the opinion of someone who has more experience and knowledge than you is stupid. It's exactly what you would call someone who has cancer, goes to an oncologist, and then decides they are going to choose different chemo meds because they feel it's better in their "gut," rather than using the opinion of the person who actually knows what they are talking about. It may seem different, but it is not. Refusing to accept knowledge from others who have it is stupid regardless of the circumstances.

You are certainly allowed to have your opinion, but it doesn't make it right. Plenty of people thought the world was flat. Perhaps sticking to offering opinions on football pennants might be better for you as it is what you collect and admittedly autos are not. Your continuing this conversation trying to prove your point, especially reusing the comment about using your eyes to view the auto over and over, reminds me of a famous quote often credited to Abe Lincoln... "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
To be clear...I have nothing against autographs or autograph collecting. It's not the focus of my collection, but I do have autographs in it that I cherish. None of my comments were intended to denigrate the hobby of autograph collecting. I was simply commenting on those that are so confident in their skills that they can give the thumbs up/thumbs down by only viewing an online photo...and offering nothing to back up their "expert" opinion.

I find it particularly amusing when an assessment thread has piggy backing and increasingly confident "bad" responses...only until someone of apparent higher respect and/or skill comes along to say "good" which point all the predecessors suddenly change their tune and say..."well...I was on the fence".

If some rely on that to appease their doubts, so be it. It's not for me.
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