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Old 07-15-2017, 04:17 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,160

The flipping thing doesn't bother me. I think many of us do it at least a little.

I don't sell much, especially older stuff where I don't have extra copies of a card. But with newer stuff I have extras, sometimes loads of them.

Having sold at Shows, flea markets, ebay, here, and directly to dealers, overall, and I know this will be unusual, I prefer selling to dealers. I've never had it be a difficult process. I have these cards can you use any of them? Yes, this one, but I can only pay x for it. Ok, that's fine.
If there's negotiation, it's very brief, "I can pay 50" "How about 55?" " No, I can only do 50" or "sure that's not much more."
OR sorry, I can't go that low. (Never actually happened, probably because most direct single card sales are likely almost pre-sold so the offer is decent.)

I also enjoy some selling to collectors, but some make the process as drawn out and difficult as possible. "your card is horrible, but I really want/ need it I'll pay you 10%" thanks.

I will say that almost every sale here has been the better sort.

Steve B
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