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Old 07-15-2017, 02:41 PM
Huysmans Huysmans is offline
Br.ent So.bie
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Originally Posted by njdunkin1 View Post
Fully in agreement with these statements. I believe it to be poor form to be selective about who you are selling to for the above reasons. If I buy card A, card A now belongs to me. Thus, wouldn't I have the privilege of doing whatever I would like to with it?
NJ Dunkin
You can do whatever you want with a card you purchase...correct. But why can't the OP DO THE SAME? If he currently owns card A, then doesn't he have a right to do WHAT HE CHOOSES WITH IT? And in this case, he's clearly stated he doesn't want to sell to quick flippers. So please let's stop with the hypocrisy.... If you "have the privilege of doing whatever" you would like with the cards you own, its funny that you have no problem judging that its "poor form to be selective about who you are selling to", when it comes to what someone ELSE wants to do with THEIR cards.
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