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Old 07-14-2017, 08:13 AM
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mybuddyinc mybuddyinc is offline
S Gross
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Savannah, GA
Posts: 2,059

Back in January 2016 I had finished a 520 T206 set. All Pied. and SC, on purpose. Commons vg; HOF/sl good (Demmitt and O'Hara acceptable). I sold any non-pied/sc back and any high grades from lots I won, so to finance this project. FUN set to put together, based on condition ........... but, when I was done, I was done. Not to sound egotistical, but it had gone as far as it could...... so I sold it.

Now being a T206-ahaolic (I can quit any time I want, I just don't want to ), I still needed my T206 fix. Just after selling old set, I bought a fairly large lot of cards. About 50 with mid-tier backs.............. thought, why not ??!!! My original goal was to get 520 with ~50% backs between PB and Pied.42. After about 6 months I hit 50%............. and said, once again, why not go for more . Now sit at 507/520 .

What I find is the search is a bit more fun, and what I have learned about the T206 set is quite unreal and amazing. The nuances of the set are so much more intricate than I ever thought !!!!!!!!!!!

Also IF I'll ever reach 520, I never really be done. There are always "back upgrades" to be gotten, and more knowledge to be learned.

Fun stuff, Scott
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