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Old 06-28-2017, 04:56 PM
prewarsports prewarsports is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,550

Hi Guys

I only ever wait because sometimes I buy an entire block of four items to sell a bunch of stuff, and sometimes I just set up a photo booth and I dont know which option I want until after the new years when my schedule is a little more solidified. I have a priority 9 or something like that so I am not in any way saying I could not have had a booth if I had reserved one earlier. I just dont get the point of closing the door on hundreds of dealers that could make the show better by deciding a half year in advance that they are going to limit the show floor to a fraction of what it used to be in a hall that could land a B-27 bomber in all the empty space at the end of the hall.

This was really not meant to be a post bashing the show. If I did not think it was worth going to, I would not be asking for a table and offering to pay twice the cost. I just do not understand, from a business perspective, why you would ever limit the number of dealers if they are lining up willing to pay thousands and thousands of dollars for a section of concrete with two card tables in the middle of it when there is a limitless amount of concrete on that convention floor.
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