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Old 06-26-2017, 05:19 PM
prewarsports prewarsports is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,551

I usually call in March/April when my schedule is more firm and have always had my choice of at lest 40-50 booths. I figured I would be safe this year and contact them in Feb and was told "sorry we are sold out". I asked why they did not just make more booths available since there is apparently a hefty wait-list and was told they were already at capacity with the fire marshal. This show is in the same hall as the National has been for the last 15 years in Chicago and it used to have over 1000 dealers but now they sell out at about 400. Seems to me like they are closing the door on a lot of dealers that could make the show better. I guess this is why the show is not what it used to be. Take away the corporate booths and auction houses and you are looking at about 200-300 dealers there to sell stuff. In the 1990's 200 booths would have been a local show at the armory, now its the "National Convention." Go figure.
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