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Old 06-19-2017, 07:53 AM
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Leon Leon is offline
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They need to adopt our BST renege policy. First time and no one is out any money...chalk it up as a mistake. The second time requires a good explanation or they are gone. The third time.....buh bye.

Originally Posted by Bliggity View Post
Might as well add my story to the mix, although it's nothing earth-shattering. During the last prewar auction, there were two cards I planned to bid on, and both had bidders with 10+ retractions. I emailed PWCC while the auctions were pending, and received no response. After the auctions were over, I had the next-highest bid on one of the cards, with the serial-retractor winning. I contacted PWCC again to see if I was the winner under their policy. I received a response back from Betsy (or whoever it was) stating that PWCC would not cancel the bids

"unless it is clear that specific bid manipulation has occurred. In this case, my team confirmed there isn't clear evidence of bid manipulation, so we won't cancel the user ID's bids. "

Just more confirmation that serial-retractors are free to bid and win auctions, so long as PWCC determines that everything's Kosher.

I'm all for having anti-manipulation policies. But having a policy full of unwritten exceptions and caveats is worse than having no policy at all, because the policy creates an expectation on the part of the customer that goes unfulfilled. Better to just leave it to the eBay wild west and buyer beware.
Leon Luckey
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