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Old 06-17-2017, 07:48 AM
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Corporal Lance Boil Corporal Lance Boil is offline
Tony Colacino
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 81
Default Tico to Nico

Oh boy, I can jump right in! We're going a little north to NICARAGUA next.

Though I will violate the rules by not posting pictures because I've just moved, don't know where the scanner is, and have no idea how to post them anyway.

In compensation, I will offer a story:

Right after college a buddy of mine and I decided an extended surf trip to Central America would be a grand thing, and we purchased a 1969 Grumman Step Van, outfitted it with surf racks on the roof and a bed in back, and drove to Costa Rico from Charleston, SC...two and a half weeks of seat-of-the pants travelling. We stayed there 2 1/2 months, surfing every break, both east and west, and living in the van.

When we decided Managua, where we had stopped for several days with a couple of Nicos we had met, was not for us (partially because we did not want to eat the beef testicle soup they were preparing that night) we beat a hasty path to the Costa border. Right before we hit customs and were waiting in line a high-ranking military officer approached us and asked for a ride across the border into a town in Costa Rica. Think full military uniform, epaulets, medals, etc. Our passenger seat at this time was a vinyl-covered blue-and-purple floral design that we had found discarded in Charleston and bolted in. If you've ever been to Central America and understand who wields power, you will understand we said "Of course, please hop in and take this place of honor on the vinyl seat!" Which he did.

Needless to say it was one of the easiest border crossings I have ever experienced, just kind of waved on through when they looked at the man in the floral recliner.

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