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Old 06-06-2017, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by trdcrdkid View Post
Architecture is "straight mathematics"? I assume you must be confusing architects with building engineers or something. Architects design buildings; it's a creative field, like novelists or scientists, though they do have to know about building materials and physics and such.
I have mixed feelings about AI, but its impact in medicine is already being seen. They (Watson and others like it) can keep completely up to date on all published medical journals, university studies/research, etc (thousands and thousands of pages). They in real can then time aid in a surgeon's decision making, potentially even during a procedure. I'd expect in the longer term, their hands may prove more steady and predictable than a human's, as well as that they can be sized and shaped to fit in tighter spaces.

Separately, AI in the legal world should be interesting given how much research, and/or document review could potentially be done instantaneously, as opposed to using paralegals, associates, etc, and the accompanying human hours.
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