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Old 06-06-2017, 02:51 PM
cardswin53 cardswin53 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 79
Default End of an era... but we'll still have opening day

About 25 years ago,I first met Randy after Randy reached out to me out as we had a habit of attending the same cards shows and often would be told by dealers that the other already had been to their table and bought all the new, old and oddball St. Louis Cardinals cards they had for sale. I live in Kansas City and Randy in Columbia about 2 hours away. Randy invited me to his house to view his collection and a great friendship began.
Together, Randy and I have attended the last 20 Cardinals home openers, traveled to several Nationals including a 20 hour drive to Cleveland, set up at a few shows together to sell our duplicates and viewed with envy each other's Cardinals collections. He has shared his research and checklists. Randy has made this such an enjoyable hobby for me. Selfishly, I hate that he is selling his wonderful collection of Cardinals cards. But I understand and am supportive and our friendship will endure.
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