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Old 06-05-2017, 11:46 AM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,332

I completed my dream project; I wrote a book about postwar regional / food issues. It was a lot of work, even after decades of slowly and meticulous gathering pertinent research.

Entitled NEVER CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN, with the subhead, Those Special "Free Prize" Sports Collectibles from the Golden Era of 1947 - 1971. Not long ago (2017), there was a thread on the postwar forum of appreciation by several of my readers. Google the title if you wish to see the press release (with ordering details).

Now, I must say it's an E-book on a CD, but those hearty souls who wanted 478 pages of hobby filet mignon seemed to have been heartily satisfied. Sure, no doubt I cannot please everyone, but it sure pleased extremely picky 'ol me.

Why not on paper? Because through's Create-Space self-publishing unit, my book would have been an expensive $72 for plain paper (lousy-looking photos) or $95 for all picture paper and hyper-expensive! So, with that Hobson's Choice, I chose having the people who craft the Krause Standard Catalog of Baseball Cards on a CD. It came out great.

---Brian Powell

Last edited by brian1961; 06-05-2017 at 11:48 AM.
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