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Old 06-02-2017, 03:31 PM
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Ed Woelfle
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Buckeye, AZ
Posts: 1,157
Default Overcharging S & H

I can't stand this stuff - the AH nickel & dime gouging crap on s/h.

It's not the dollars - paying another $10, $20 isn't going to make or break anyone - it's the principle. As a buyer you're paying up to 23% now (perhaps more?) for some AH's and then get another $30 or $40 tacked on for a card or two in s/h? - - That "lets see if we can pad the bottom line by ripping buyers off" angle and shaking you for a few extra bucks. What I don't understand is the short-sightedness of fleecing someone for a few extra bucks at the risk of alienating them over rip-off tactics and losing their business altogether? I haven't gone to that length, yet .. but I have noted those who play the rip-you-off-on-shipping game and greatly cut down any bids/purchases and even moreover - won't even consider them for consignment

Curious, has anyone ever posted an informal list of who's who on s/h charges and/or buyers premium? I know you can go into each and see who charges what (the shipping this is almost always a surprise though) - but would be nice to have a reference list. I don't mind naming who IMO has the best/worst out there on s/h charges (those I recall/have dealt with) .. Best: REA (none), Goodwin, Sterling, LOTG. Worst: Mile High, Wheatland, Memory Lane.

Last edited by Edwolf1963; 06-02-2017 at 03:32 PM.
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