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Old 05-29-2017, 12:24 PM
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Raymond 'Robbie' Culpepper
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Columbus, GA
Posts: 6,952

Originally Posted by darwinbulldog View Post
Two things come to mind.

1. I would have a separate BST page for unique (i.e., one-of-a-kind) cards and keep a running list of unique cards sought (with links to contact the interested buyer/trader) and unique cards offered and a list of successful white whale captures facilitated by the page.

2. I would, and I'd have done this quite a few years ago, have banned Ted Z. for repeatedly harassing younger members of the forum and anyone else who disagrees with him and points out his mistakes.

Glenn Scheyd

I could not DISAGREE more! Ted's hobby knowledge far outweighs any squabbles he may have, though I bet a lot of them are warranted on his part.

Of course, I've never been on the receiving end...

Viva Ted!

- and respect your elders. If you don't, you will regret it someday.

Raymond Culpepper
self-admitted cramudgin (and, no, spell check didn't help with spelling)
"A life is not important except in the impact it has on others lives" - Jackie Robinson

“If you have a chance to make life better for others and fail to do so, you are wasting your time on this earth.”- Roberto Clemente