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Old 05-21-2017, 05:58 PM
Huck Huck is offline
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Posts: 734

Originally Posted by ibuysportsephemera View Post
Yes, it absolutely could be a basketball scoreboard. Does anyone collect scoreboards?

It is hard to miss the four holes on each side of the number. Each hole could have possibly represented a quarter, so perhaps either a basketball or football scoreboard. Given the size, I would say the board was used indoors, it would be easier to read indoors as opposed to the vastness of a football field. Then again, perhaps sparsely attended outdoor sports, field hockey, lacrosse? There seems to be some sort of numbered wheel behind the sign (upper left in the picture).

As for value. Have you done any research on Cedar Falls? Is it a high school? VFW post? Former minor league team? Anything? Are there any markers on the reverse to try and date the piece? As is, whatever a collector would be willing to pay. I would say not more than a $100. It is an interesting piece for the man cave. If some history gets behind the piece then it could go higher. The piece is handmade so perhaps the folk art collectors would bid the price higher. Aesthetically, the piece is simply done, no advertising, lack of color.

Edit - I see the numbered wheel on the bottom left as well and it is the numbers for the actual piece. This thing had to sit on some sort of contraption (easel??) so the operator could change the score. Interesting.

Edit #2: A google search on the image returned no results. Googles best guess for the image: Vehicle. So, it is not a scoreboard at all, it is a vehicle, end of discussion.

Last edited by Huck; 05-21-2017 at 06:29 PM.
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