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Old 05-18-2017, 06:02 AM
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Leon Leon is offline
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It's bad when ya start sweating after looking everywhere and can't find that missing card. Many times I have had a toploader stick to the back of a slabbed card. Those are killer to find.
I was leaving a meeting last night and thought I left my phone back in the meeting room when I was walking out and down the hall. I yelled for someone to see if it was there, and after another minute, noticed it was in my hand.

Originally Posted by Yoda View Post
One peeve that is more than pet and that is the missing card syndrome; you know it is somewhere in the house but can't find it when you need it. Discomfort turns to raw panic as you tear the place apart, knowing (you think, but are beginning to doubt) that it must be there - please God. I once dismantled an entire chest of drawers apart looking for my beautiful E106 Speaker. Tried to explain to the wife why her nice set of drawers was now a pile of wood. Needless to say, she didn't understand. Never did find the card.
Leon Luckey
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