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Old 04-30-2017, 11:58 AM
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Ryan Waggoner
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: California, USA
Posts: 529

It's fitting that I come in and make a comment after this issue is completely dead, but YOLO.

Stephen, it sucks when you feel you made a deal with good intentions, but the deal turned bad. Nobody wants to have to go through that, so I feel for you a bit because you went in with a lot of trust and that trust was taken advantage of.

That being said, you have to do a better job of getting all the information needed to make an accurate decision on whether or not what you purchase is going to allow you to flip it for a profit. The picture he supplied was terrible, and you should have asked for better pictures. Enough pictures to where you can tell 100% that the card is worth the money you're about to pay for it. If you can't get that then don't do the deal. Two, you can't just trust people's word on things. Even if he says he thinks it'd grade at a 3, that doesn't mean that's true. He never claimed to be an expert, so basically you trusted a guess and are upset that his guess wasn't accurate. Three, you can't come on here and do what you did, at least not in the time frame that you did it. You came on here before things had finalized and bad mouthed him. I don't like eBay very much, but one thing I do like about them is that if you buy a card and it's not what was advertised then you have to go through a process to get a refund. I believe that process takes at least a couple of weeks. You got the card, messaged him, and shortly thereafter posted this thread in order to get Net54 to guilt him into giving you a refund. If you had waited at least a couple of weeks, and done everything you could do in order to get a refund, and then came here after the issue was completed, in order to out a bad seller who refused to give you a refund, despite your best efforts, you'd have garnered more sympathy to your plight. As it stands now, you've hurt your reputation by jumping the gun and putting the seller on blast before the situation came to a complete conclusion.

In the end, I think you felt a bit betrayed and you did what you did in an attempt to make things right, but you went about it all wrong. In the future, get better pics, don't take the sellers word for anything, pay using a CC, and if you ever have an issue with another seller, PM Leon or a member you can trust and run the situation by them before taking it to the board.

I wish you the best of luck on your goal of getting the Mantle.
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