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Old 04-20-2017, 01:14 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is online now
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Originally Posted by bn2cardz View Post
The title of the article is :

"Cubs Ask Non-Players to Sign Agreement to Not Sell World Series Rings"

Cubs general manager Jed Hoyer is among those who support the organization's decision:

I signed that thing willingly. Everyone except for the players signed it. I look at it as the Ricketts [ownership] were so unbelievably generous in the cost of the ring and the number they gave out, I think it's totally appropriate when you're paying for the ring and helping out with the taxes along with that—it seems appropriate to say, 'I don't expect you to take the gift I'm giving you and run out to the market with it.'

The Cubs Multi-Millionaire General Manager signed it willingly. Good for him. LOL!

Just don't give gifts if you want to put stipulations on them. Basically the Cubs want first rights for resale if they ever go to market again.

The Cubs ownership are so unbelievably generous in regards to the cost of the rings and the number they gave out, that they want them back if you actually treat the item as a "gift".

From the article I read, this also applies to future family members who inherit the ring. What incredible foresight from the Cubs ownership with this Scientology like perpetuity clause.

Last edited by D. Bergin; 04-20-2017 at 01:14 PM.
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